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Dank Doctrine Revealed

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

Back in August, the "2.0" edition of the Space Marine codex dropped and introduced the concept of combat doctrines. I wrote an article, linked here, with my predictions of what I would like to see the Dark Angels get for combat doctrines. Based on the Warhammer Community page preview for Ritual of the Damned, linked here, I am reviewing what I got right, what I got wrong, and what I got lukewarm about the Dark Angels combat doctrine.

To cut to the chase, I am not claiming genius by saying combat doctrines would boost my army. Anyone would argue for a power increase in the futures of all other power-armored armies after the August Space Marine Codex release. What I correctly foretold comes in the form of incentive for me to play all 3 Wings of the Dark Angels. The generic combat doctrine rules for Space Marines that increase the armor penetration (AP) of weapons depending on their type make all units across the 3 Wings of the 1st Legion more effective. Additionally, the Dark Angels specific doctrine, Relentless Hunt, boosts the range of all my weapons on all my Dark Angels units. With all these army wide buffs from both combat doctrines, I feel rewarded for running a combined forces army which I wanted more than anything else. Despite this, I ended up horribly wrong on my predictions of what the details of the combat doctrines.

When combat doctrines first hit the scene as AP buffs for weapons, I hoped that they would end up unique to each faction and I extensively wrote about the unique opportunity for individualized combat doctrines for non-main codex marines. I am sad to say I am wrong and will admit I am disappointed. Dark Angels received access to the same 3 combat doctrines most other marine factions possess. I hoped to see different aspects of the Dark Angels receive benefits of as the game progressed. Ravenwing and Deathwing first to provide deep strike tricks, then the Greenwing receiving plasma upgrades, and then something for everyone in the form of a fluffy way of acquiring command points by killing Fallen characters. Instead, the generic combat doctrines provide a buff to everyone through all 3 combat doctrines. To my great embarrassment, Games Workshop provided a better boost to the Dark Angels by sticking to their own guns than what my own Dark Angels lore-loving mind found possible to conceive.

Despite getting the overall combat doctrines wrong, I did get two things somewhat right. I predicted a boost for each wing and one thing I hoped to see as a combat doctrine actually made it to the codex as a stratagem. I predicted that Plasma weapons would receive some sort of buff and I pined for the Tau Fire Cadre's ability to increase the number of shots a unit put out. Or I hoped to see the fear of plasma weapons overheating negated. Plasma weapons, along with every other ranged weapon, instead received 3"-6" of additional range and an AP boost depending on weapon type thanks to Relentless Hunt and the generic combat doctrine ability. Predicting a enhancement in plasma weaponry does not constitute rocket science when dealing with the Sons of the Lion. Nevertheless, I did foretell that something would happen to make them better and it did but just not in the manner I predicted. I am not upset about this because similar to the things I got completely wrong, I ended up benefiting more in the end by being somewhat right instead of completely right.

Continuing down this train of somewhat correctness, we arrive at the Ravenwing and the Deathwing synergy station. I played Dark Angels in two previous editions of Warhammer 40,000 and I felt that the Dark Angels operate in a disjointed manner between the Ravenwing and the Deathwing in 8th Edition compared to previous iterations. I hoped combat doctrines would alleviate this haphazard feel by allowing Deathwing terminators to deep strike within 6" of a Ravenwing unit especially on turn one heralding a return of the classic Deathwing Assault ability. Instead, Dark Angels received this support through a 2 Command Point stratagem that lets them deep strike within 6" of the Ravenwing unit and more than 6" from an enemy unit but on turn 2 or 3 in Matched Play. I hit closer to the mark on this one than I did no the plasma weapon boost. Again, I missed the point but I got more than I intended from the deal because a stratagem doesn't hobble the rest of my army like a combat doctrine would. I am not waiting to switch doctrines till turn 3 just because I want terminators to deep strike closer. Additionally, I am now charging a whole 3" closer than I originally planned and accounting for abilities that allow me to reroll the charge dice means my charge roll successes will increase dramatically. This sacrifice of being correct always remains one I am willing to make when it works out better for me in the end.

Being proven greviously wrong hurts but fortunately I did get a general feeling right, and a few things mostly right when predicting the Dark Angels combat doctrines. Though I got details wrong, the generic combat doctrines still provide a significant boost to Dark Angels that I'd rather use than receive no combat doctrines at all. Relentless Hunt compliments the generic combat doctrines well thus improving any Dark Angels force further. I am a big enough of a person to admit when I am wrong even though it hurts worse even I end up benefiting from it more than I thought possible. I did predict that I'd find movitation to play all 3 Wings in my army post-release and I am glad to say I do indeed feel the rush of excitement of playing with all my miniatures once again. I also find several half truths to hang onto in the form of a range and AP benefit to plasma weapons rather than an increase in number of shots and a stratagem rather than a combat doctrine that rewards teaming up the Ravenwing and Deathwing.

Interestingly, no mention of a benefit against the Fallen exists in Relentless Hunt doctrine. I am still holding out that a stratagem, warlord trait, or relic that addresses the Fallen will come to light in the full release of Ritual of the Damned and I will once again receive partial credit for a halfway right prediction similar to the plasma weapon boost. For the sake of pride, I hope this prediction may still ring true along with many other unfathomed goodies in the latest addition to the Psychic Awakening. I already put in my preorder, did you?

Keep it Dank,


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