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How To: Build a Space Wolf Smash Captain

Hey folks, time again to build another Warhammer 40,000 model, a Space Wolf Lord with jump pack, thunder hammer, and storm shield aka the Smash Captain!

I got the shoulder pads, body, legs, shield arm, and jump pack from the Vanguard Veterans box. I pulled the thunder hammer, wolf pelt, and head from the Space Wolf Pack. Finally, the Wulfen provided the the shield.

I start with the jump pack. I clean of flash and unnecessary nubs.

I apply glue to the flat surfaces on the inside of the pack and push the two halves together.

I move on to the body. I use a file to remove flash and unnecessary nubs like I did with the jump pack.

I apply glue to the nubs and to the flat inside surfaces of the body to seal it together.

I clean up the legs and apply glue to the underside of the body. I make sure to line up the belt buckle with the hips so that they look natural.

After completing the body, I want to put the jump pack on the body. I like to put the pack on early and then work around so that way nothing gets in the way of me placing it later. If I over-dramatically pose the model and then try to place the pack, the pack might not fit.

I put glue in the hole for the nub on the back of the marine as well as the flat surface around the hole too. I want to keep the flat surface on the back of the marine flush wit the flat surface on the pack. All the while, I want to keep the pack level from the front view.

Next, I construct the shield arm.

Before gluing, I needed to perform some additional filing to get the marine arm to end up flush with the Wulfen hand since Wulfen arms apparently are smaller than a marine's at the wrist.

Thinking ahead to the need to place a shoulder pad in addition to the hammer, I dry fit the thunder hammer arm before gluing. I apply glue to the flat surface on the arm and place it on the flat surface of the shoulder.

Next, I place glue in the cavity of the should pad and then place it on the shoulder.

By dry fitting, I was able to fit all these pieces in as well as plan on what the view of the captain's face will be.

I go through the same process of dry fitting and gluing with the shield arm and shoulder pad.

I am rewarded with a snug finish.

I next dry fit the head.

I apply glue directly to the bottom of the head so that way if the heads moves the glue doesn't get too out of hand.

Tah-dah! A completed Space Wolf Smash Captain. I built mine with the intent to combo him with a Dark Angel's Smash Captain thanks to "The Lion and The Wolf" stratagem in the Dark Angels' codex. You may want him to lead an entire army of Space Wolves instead of a single detachment as he does in my army.

I preferred the Vanguard Veterans over the Assault Marines for two reasons. One, the Veterans are five dollars cheaper than Assault Marine Squad. Second, the Veterans possess better options for making models.The Veterans lack the fancier basing of the Assault Marines but their packs and other gear contain way more decorations. Additionally, the Veterans come with enough hammers and shields to make 5 Smash Captains if you want whereas the Assault Marines do not.

If you want to make your own Space Wolf Smash Captain, please visit the Games Workshop website here.

Until next time,

Keep it dank!


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